Australian Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association
 Australian Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association

FIBC Handling Guidelines

FILLERS should :-

  • Buy only FIBCs that have been tested to AS 3668:2019 and certificated by an accredited Test House.
  • Buy FIBCs that have a label which is clearly visible on the filled FIBC and which contains all of the information specified in the Australian Standard including name & address of manufacturer and or the distributor.
  • Ask their FIBC supplier to provide a copy of the Test Certificate, and if in doubt check the details with the certifying Test House.
  • Follow the handling advice on the FIBC and in the guidelines issued by AS 3668:2019.
  • Refill reusable FIBCs only with the same product, the one for which it was designed.
  • Refill only after inspection for damage, particularly to the underside of loops.

USERS who store and discharge FIBCs should :-

  • Check labels to ensure they are handling FIBCs that have been tested and certificated by an accredited Test House.
  • Follow the handling advice on the FIBC and in the guidelines issued by AS 3668:2019.
  • Store and discharge as specified on the FIBC and in the guidelines issued by AS 3668:2019.

REMEMBER :- the easiest way to ensure that the FIBC is safe and that you have discharged your duty of care to your customers and employees is to buy from a Member of AFIBCA